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Monday, April 11, 2011

Dating Update

Wow, what a few weeks.  I have been seriously wooed by "Smitten" and its been fantastic. 

Come on! Whats not to love about getting to spend hours together in the studio creating new works; plotting collaborative art pieces; working out together at various gyms, pools, and yoga studios; writing epic missives; cooking for each other; laughing until we are literally crying; and generally having a blast!

So my heart wasn't broken when the guy I went out with last Thursday never called for our Friday night date. I had already made other plans and was in Sonoma have Shabbat dinner with a friend and his family (two gay couples co-parenting a couple of kids- lovely!) and enjoying a magnificent sunset over a wine country valley.  The evening was filled with conversations of our work, art and listening to the beauty of my friend's partner's piano playing.  It was one of those evenings where I felt warmed by the love of old friends opening their home to me.

I am still trying to nail down a date with the Friday night date of last week. Lets just call him "Stop Motion" He is still captivates my imagination.  And part of it is a balancing thing too complicated to describe here- but relevant in a way to Smitten.

Smitten and I had a few lovely dates last week... in addition to our usual, we also went to the theater on Saturday returning home late to drink champagne and eat the lovely meal he prepared- at my request foods from the sea... peppered prawns served with mango and avocado... and other delicacies... it was nice to be cooked for...

All that said- I am juggling calendars with Stop Motion and Cuba (Cuba is a Cuban salsa instructor and DJ who, of course, knows a million of people in common with me).  I am also playing calendars with Boyfriend of Former Roommate... and have quite honestly let the Crazy Liberian, Crazy Belgian, Crazy Eritrean, and Crazy Burner fall to the wayside. One of those dates was so painful I wanted to chew my own arm off to escape.

This week I am under heinous deadlines so that combined with three evening dates scheduled with Smitten this week has me out of the dating pool until next week.

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